Monday, February 16, 2009

Food (b)Log #9 (or, Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This)

Today I suffer from a general lack of motivation, a Monday malaise perhaps. I have not gone for my usual walk (yet - the guilt may get me soon), haven't cleaned or vacuumed, washed the dishes, or done the laundry. It's just one of those days. To accompany the malaise, there's a side-dish of ravenous hunger. Nothing but hunger all day, since getting out of bed this morning. There was the usual Weetabix and milk for breakfast, a cuppa tea, then a smoked mackerel and cucumber sandwich for lunch, followed by an apple, a spoon of almond butter, and then a pear, and then dinner. Dinner was ahi tuna with the rest of my Trader Joe's stir fry, some beansprouts, a sprinkling of sesame seeds, and 1/2 cup egg fried rice, harriedly thrown together as soon as I entered the house, famished. Delicious, but still there's an unsatisfied little demon inside. I'm not even sure what he wants: wine perhaps? chocolate? surely not more fruit? I'm going to ignore him and go wash the dishes. I hate getting in this snacky mood, because I'm generally so not a snacker that I'm afraid I'll just eat all day.

Oh well, here's a picture of my sloppy stir-fry for your enjoyment.


  1. I must admit, I've had a less than fabulous dinner. I post this to show you that even though you know what you should do, it definitely doesn't always happen according to your best intentions.
    Dinner tonight:
    Miso soup, Cheezits, and a double jack and coke.
    Don't let me forget to tell you that there is a creme brule in the fridge screaming at me.
    We all have off days. :(

  2. Ah Creme Brulee. That is my all time absolute top dessert ever, with bells on!
