Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Loneliness of the Not So Long Distance Runner

I may have mentioned walking in this blog, and I am trying to walk as much as possible. In my semi-employed state, I definitely have the time. In order to condense more my caloric burnage, I have tried to start "running." I put this in quotes because it's actually like walking at a faster pace. I run approximately .8 miles and then walk the rest of the way home. I think the walking home is sometimes harder than the running, although when I start out, the running seems quite easy. Around the 8th block, my breathing is heavy and I feel like I'm pulling a very heavy oxen, and not the other way around. I usually walk home.

Here's my goal. Let's see if you can help me. I want to be able to run to 51st St, and run back to my house. Right now, I can get to 51st, but I get winded and have to walk back. Cheer me on folks. I don't know how far it is to 51st St. and back to my house, but I'm guessing about 2.5 miles, almost a 5K, so put in your support, even if I run like a very large cross between a donkey and an octopus.


  1. Hey, I'm going to get a bit dorky here on advice, but I'll keep it short. My advice is to practice very deep breathing while at home, not while running, of course. Fill the back of your ribcage up, as far as you can and slowly release the air in a controlled manner. This will strengthen your lungs and allow them to be more elastic for running. You will soon notice that you breathe deeper without thinking about it (this is perfect for your quitting smoking too!) and will be able to run longer. Try doing between 10 and 20 deep breaths like that a day and see what happens. You can do it!

  2. Thanks so much for the advice. I've always wanted to run and it seems it's always the breathing that gets me. I will practice and see how I do. I'd like to go out now, but it is pissing it down. I might as well be in England!

  3. Kudos for the running Bates! I personally such at running because of a multitude of excuses: my arches are too high and my feet kill, i cramp, wah wah wah. I do love to walk briskly though :)
    I give you much respect for trying to run and I'm sure that if you can do as much as you can now, you'll meet your goal soon enough. Wow, maybe you'll be running the music city marathon next! There's lots of 5Ks in Nashville too :)
